Luxinten | Privacy policy

Privacy policyicon

In this website privacy policy we explain how we use your personal information and what we do to protect it from third-party interventions.

We at LLC Luxinten assure you that nobody else except you and us won’t have access to your personal information. We ensure you with the full privacy and safety during and after our collaboration. LLC Luxinten may require your personal information only for identification purposes while using our service. It will be used only in ways mentioned in this document.

However, our privacy policy will be constantly updated from time to time. We recommend you to keep checking this page to be in the loop and make sure that you’re satisfied with its updates. LLC Luxinten will also mention when this page was changed for the last time.

Contact information for questions and suggestions:

iconLLC Luxinten, Shashkevycha str. 8v, office 61, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46000

Personal data we may gather:

  • Name;
  • Company name;
  • Contact information — email, phone, other if required;
  • Website usage data;
  • Demographic information postcode, preferences, interest, age, etc.;
  • Data needed for customer surveys conduction.


We store your information in a safe place. To make it secure, we took a series of measures including particular physical, managerial, and electronic procedures.


You visited websites that ask your permission to use cookies a million times, but do you know what exactly is it? Cookies are small text files which contain specific information about websites you visit as well as some basic information about you. There is nothing wrong with them: they are not stealing any confidential information from your computer and are completely safe. Cookies can collect only data that you are allowed to gather.

Websites use cookies to personalize your user experience. They allow delivering the page tailored specifically to you and your needs, preferences, and interests. Because of that, cookies are the perfect tool to quickly provide you with relevant information and, as a result, with better services.

LLC Luxinten also uses cookies. We do this for two purposes: to analyze which pages perform best and to adjust the services we provide to the needs of the particular user. Important: we don’t store this information on our servers for a long time and delete it shortly after we finish our statistical analysis.

In other words, we can track which pages of our websites are the most effective and useful for our visitors. This way, we improve the quality of our services and make the website more user-friendly.

If you don’t want us to use your cookies, you can decline them in the settings of your browser. Usually, browsers enable this option by default, but it’s quite easy to disable them. However, you lose the opportunity to use the full list of our website’s advantages.

To get further details on how to manage cookies, you can visit

Links to other websites

Sometimes we add some external links to our content. We do this to provide you with some additional information that we don’t have on our website. But we are not responsible for those resources we link to and don’t have any control over their content. So if you want to find out more about their privacy policy, visit the corresponding part of those websites. Be careful while sharing your personal information with any third-party services and always check their terms and conditions.

Other information about you

Sometimes you can be asked to fill the tick boxes. Usually, it happens when you are about to complete your ordering form or some other request. They allow you to:

  • Receive promotional materials from Luxinten via email, phone, messages, social networks, post, etc.
  • Receive promotional materials from our partners via above-mentioned means of communication.

If you’ve already chosen to receive these materials from us, but don’t want to receive them anymore, you can change your mind in no effort by:

  • Signing in and changing settings in your profile;
  • Sending us an email to [email protected];
  • Writing LLC Luxinten, Shashkevycha str. 8v, office 61, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46000.

Links to other websites

The only cases when we will distribute your personal information to third-parties is when you ask or permit us to do this or the distribution is required by law. Otherwise, we never do it.

If you don’t know or don’t remember which information you’ve shared with us, you can also write to LLC Luxinten, Shashkevycha str. 8v, office 61, Ternopil, Ukraine, 46000 and clear things up. It’s your right stated in the Data Protection Act 1998.

After revision of your personal information we are holding, you can request changes or add any relevant data at your discretion if you find it to be not full or correct. We will take your changes into consideration and update your information.

All your information is stored on secure servers protected from unauthorized access by physical and electronic security safeguards.

Copyright notice

Each piece of content on the pages of this website belongs to LLC Luxinten. — © Luxinten LLC 2014-2020 All rights reserved.

No person or organization is permitted to redistribute or use this content under another name. It can be used only in the following ways:

  • It can be stored as printed or electronic information for personal and non- commercial use only.
  • As a reference during communication with third parties which can also use this content for personal purposes indicating the initial source of information.
  • Commercial use should be allowed by our representative in a written form. Otherwise, it is prohibited.